How Leaders Can Use Storytelling to Manage Change

G. Riley Mills
February 21, 2024
Pinnacle Team Exhibiting

If the last few years of pandemic (and post-pandemic) work have taught us anything, it’s that change is inevitable and that what might be the norm one day, can be completely upended the next. We all desire stability and predictability, but the modern workplace is constantly changing due to factors such as technology, a growing multigenerational workforce and hybrid work, to name just a few. Leaders who want to keep their workers motivated and productive should start by mastering the ability to tell a good story.

Studies show that 70% of organizational change initiatives end in failure, and only 10% of leaders possess the skills required to lead a team through tough times. As human beings, it is natural for us to resist change and gravitate toward the practical or familiar. Change can be difficult and scary, but when leaders fail to navigate it effectively, it can have negative effects on employee morale, resulting in anxiety, fear or resentment. In fact, one recent study found that 44% of workers currently feel stressed with their work—a record high. Effective storytelling can be a valuable tool for leaders to employ when they need to enhance communication, build trust and inspire action.

As the old saying goes, you don’t drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there. Effective change initiatives always involve forward motion and action, and a well-placed story or anecdote can serve as a springboard for leaders to reassure the anxious, persuade the resistant or challenge the complacent. Why are stories such great motivating tools? When a listener’s brain sees or hears a story, its neurons fire in the same pattern as the speaker’s brain (a phenomenon called neural coupling) and create coherence between the speaker and their audience. The firing of these “mirror neurons” creates a bond between the speaker and listener, helping drive engagement and improve memory.

When deciding on which story to tell, it is important to consider the circumstances and the audience to which you are telling it. Tailor your story to the specific audience you are trying to reach. Understand their values, concerns and interests to make your story more relatable.

And craft your story to connect emotionally with your listeners. Stories with emotions and descriptive sensory elements are more likely to resonate. Use vivid imagery and specific language to paint a picture in the minds of your audience. Look for stories of change involving an individual, a team or a specific company to drive your point home. And whenever possible, end your story with a direct call to action.

Stories involving change can be found everywhere and most contain easy-to-share lessons. For example, to demonstrate to a skeptical stakeholder how resisting change can have a cost, you could tell the story of Blockbuster CEO John Antioco, who, in 2000, turned down an offer from Netflix CEO Reed Hastings to buy Hasting’s fledgling DVD delivery company for a mere $50 million and how, as a result of Antioco’s resistance to change, Netflix is now worth nearly $250 billion while Blockbuster is gone, reduced to a corporate punchline and cautionary tale.

Conversely, if you wanted to share a story of a CEO faced with difficult circumstances who took bold action, you could recount the story of Domino’s CEO Patrick Doyle, who took the reins in 2010. With the pizza chain’s reputation in shambles and its stock price anemic, Doyle decided to ask customers directly what they thought of Domino’s product. Their feedback was not good, with people saying it tasted like “cardboard” and was “boring” and “bland.”

But instead of quietly reshaping the Domino’s brand in private, Doyle decided to take a different tack. He created an ad campaign (dubbed “Domino’s Pizza Turnaround”), where he didn’t hide from the negative feedback; he actually included the comments in Domino’s television and print ads. By doing so, he acknowledged his company had fallen short and the time had come for them to reimagine their product. The revamp worked, creating a vastly improved recipe and brand. Within the first year alone, Domino’s sales grew by 10% and their stock increased by 130%.

When sharing an anecdote or illustration, you can employ any of the following as a simple framework:

• Past/Present/Future

• Cause/Effect/Remedy

• Before/The Event/The Result

For example, if your boss questions the purchase price of a new software platform, you could use the Before/The Event/The Result framework like this: “I understand your concern about investing this amount of money into a program like this. I was skeptical too, with the exact same concerns [Before]. But we did a pilot using this software recently [The Event], and within six months, every salesperson who used it had increased their close rate by 20% or more [The Result].”

According to one survey, 76% of CEOs said the "ability to adapt to change will be a key source of competitive advantage in the future." Leaders will have to become adept at navigating change, and stories can serve as a simple tool to help manage expectations, gain commitment or align a team around a common goal. It’s important to remember that effective storytelling is not just about conveying information; it’s about creating an emotional impact that motivates people to embrace change.

Each of us has countless stories within us, all waiting to be told. Comb your past for experiences you may have forgotten. Write them down and file them away. Distill each story to its essence and consider how and when you might use it in the future. Ask yourself: What is the main message of the story? What point does it make? What action will it motivate in the listener? Identify what problem your story solves or what opportunity it presents, then detail how that connects to the change you are proposing. Never underestimate the power of a well-told story. As humans, our brains are wired for them. And that’s not likely to change anytime soon.

Original article by G. Riley Mills can be found here on Forbes.